Conclusion: The concentration of EA-sis more accurate than the concentration of IL-8 for indicating the inflammation of periodontal pocket. 结论:细胞外弹性蛋白酶浓度较IL-8浓度更能够反映牙周袋内的炎症程度。
The Relation between the Incidence and Treatment of Periodontal Disease and the Proportion of Various Species of Bacteria in the Gingival Crevice and Periodontal Pocket 龈沟和袋内各种细菌的比例与牙周发病、治疗的关系
Relative analysis of bacteria between pulp and periodontal pocket of pulpal periodontal syndrome 牙周牙髓病的髓腔与牙周袋内细菌相关性研究
The PGE2 levels increased with the depth of the periodontal pocket, particularly when the depth exceed over 6 mm. 前列腺素E2值随牙周袋深度加深而升高,尤其袋深超过6mm以上者前列腺素E2水平升高更为明显,且有统计学意义。
Objective: To study the effects of periodontal scaling on microorganism in periodontal pocket and gingival crevicular fluid in patients with periodontitis. 目的:探讨牙周洁治对人牙周炎袋底微生物和龈沟液量的影响,为研究牙周洁治机制提供依据。
GCF was sampled with precut filter paper strips ( 2mm × 8mm). A filter paper strip were inserted periodontal pocket gently until you felt slight resistance. 隔湿取样牙,轻轻吹干牙面,将已裁好的滤纸条(2mm×8mm)轻轻插入牙周袋,直至遇有轻微阻力为止。
Days after, the treatment with gargarisma metronidazole, the density of spirilla and all kinds of bacilli, which in the periodontal pocket, descended obviously and the number of cocci increased with time extended. 应用甲硝唑含漱剂药后7天,牙周袋内细菌形态观察,螺旋体和各类杆菌致病菌显著减少,相对球菌随用药时间延长而增多。
Prostaglandin E_2 Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Its Relation to the Depth of Periodontal Pocket in Patients with Periodontitis 龈沟液中前列腺素E2和牙周袋深度关系的探讨
Clinical study on abutment dental Plague index, bleeding gum furrow Index, gum index, depth of periodontal pocket and tooth decay rate of removable partial dental prosthesis 可摘局部义齿基牙菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数、牙龈指数、牙周袋深度及龋坏情况的临床研究
Conclusion: It indicate that when Nd: YAG laser used for periodontal pocket decontamination, if the power output and the irradiation time are not adequate, the laser beam may cause damage the periodontal ligament fibroblast cell and cause negative effect to collateral periodontal tissues. 结论:Nd:YAG激光用作牙周袋内消毒用时,如果输出能量和照射时间设置不当,激光光束可能损伤牙周膜成纤维细胞,影响牙周组织的修复,照射时间为主要的影响因素。
Conclusion: Periodontal scaling can decrease the percentage of pathogenesis bacteria in periodontal pocket bottom and decrease PD, GI and GCF values. 结论:牙周洁治对人牙周炎袋底微生物有明显的改善作用,可通过减少袋底致病菌比率和降低PD以减轻牙周炎症和减少龈沟液的分泌。
Conclusion These results indicated that smoking maybe deepen the pocket and disturb the reattachment of periodontal tissue by prompting the hyperplasia and keratinization of pocket epithelium. 结论吸烟可能刺激牙周袋袋壁上皮增生和角化,妨碍牙周组织再附着,进而加深牙周袋;
After surgery 12 month, the gain of periodontal attachment, the decrease of pocket depth, the reduction of probing depth in furcation area, the increase of alveolar bone's height showed more significant difference between the two groups ( P < 0.01). 术后12个月,牙周附着获得、牙周袋深度减少、根分叉探入深度减少和牙槽骨高度增加等指标差异有极显著意义(P<001)。
The changes of sulfides levels of chairside inspection may indirectly reflect the bactericidal and inhibition action in the periodontal pocket. 椅旁龈沟液硫化物浓度变化可间接反映对牙周袋内细菌的杀灭、抑制作用。
Deep periodontal pocket average zones were 0.10 ± 0.08, incidence 6.84%. 深牙周袋,平均区段数0.10±0.08,检出率6.84%。
Objective: To observe the change of alkaline phosphatase ( ALP) in gingival crevicular fliud ( GCF) in chronic adult periodontitis after treated the minocycline-HCL sustained release unguent as local drug delivery in the periodontal pocket as the auxiliary treatment of periodontitis. 目的:观察成人慢性牙周炎应用盐酸米诺环素缓释软膏治疗前后龈沟液中碱性磷酸酶(Alkalinephosphatase,ALP)水平的变化。
Aim: The etiological relationship was studied between pulpitis and periodontitis through the bacteria analysis of the pulp and periodontal pocket of43 teeth with pulpal periodontal syndrome. 目的:对牙髓牙周综合症患牙进行细菌学分析,以探讨牙髓炎、牙周炎在病原学上的相互关系。
Results After treatment, the depth of periodontal pocket and teeth mobility decreased, bone density increased. Most patients were satisfied with their dentures. 结果38例牙周病患者经修复治疗后,随着时间的推移,绝大多数患牙牙周袋深度和松动度逐渐变小,骨密度增加,松动牙呈逐渐稳固趋势,患者的主观感觉满意。
Detection of Tetracycline in Periodontal Pocket with High Performance Liquid Chromatograph 高效液相色谱法对牙周袋内四环素药物浓度的测定
Oral health instruction and bacteria distribution in periodontal pocket during the periodontal maintenance 牙周病维护期治疗中口腔健康教育与牙周袋内细菌分布的追踪观察
Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease characterized by periodontal tissue destruction, pocket formation, alveolar bone resorption and finally leading to tooth loss. 慢性牙周炎是牙周组织的慢性感染性疾病,其特点是牙周组织破坏,牙周袋形成、牙槽骨吸收,最终导致牙齿丧失。
There are four characteristic of this chronic progressive disease, inflammation of the gums, the formation of periodontal pocket, varies degrees of alveolar bone absorption, teeth loose even falling off. 特征性表现为牙龈的炎症、牙周袋的形成、牙槽骨出现不同程度的吸收以造成牙齿松动脱落。
Alveolar bone resorption and formation of periodontal pocket are considered to be cardinal of the periodontal disease. 牙槽骨吸收和牙周袋形成是牙周病的最主要症状。
Periodontitis can cause gingival inflammation, periodontal pocket formation and alveolar bone resorption, as a result the affected teeth become mobility and eventually fall off. 背景:牙周炎可造成牙龈炎症、牙周袋形成、牙槽骨吸收以及牙齿松动,最终可导致牙齿脱落。